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Resilience Insights

Supported Formats for Geographic Coordinates

You can upload coordinates using two types of CSV file types—CSV with WKT geometry or CSV with latitude and longitude coordinates.

CSV with WKT Geometry

You can upload lines or point locations using CSV with WKT geometry. When your file is ready, you can upload it directly to Analyst.

CSV with Lat/Lon Coordinates

If you have the latitude/longitude coordinates for point locations, follow these guidelines for naming the columns and entering valid data. See Sample CSV with Lat Long File Format  for an example. When your file is ready, you can upload it directly to Analyst.

When creating the CSV file, ensure each row contains a latitude and longitude in separate columns. You must name these columns using any of these paired names:

. Supported Lat/Lon Pairs
  • location_lat and location_lon

  • latitude and longitude

  • lat and lon

  • lat and long

  • y for latitude and x for longitude

. Columns
  • location_id – Include unique IDs for each address to retain a connection to your data. We recommend adding these IDs to match the returned data with your files.

  • Latitude (using one of the Supported Lat/Lon Pairs) – Provide decimal values (with 5 digits of precision) ranging from -90 to 90.

  • Longitude (using one of the Supported Lat/Lon Pairs) – Provide decimal values (with 5 digits of precision) ranging from -180 to 180.

  • Other optional columns – Optionally include other descriptive fields for your reference.

Table 1. Sample CSV with Lat Long File Format 





