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Resilience Insights

Use the Data Table

Summarize data for a layer, or for a selection of features, using the Data Table. 

The Data Table shows all attribute data for layer features, supporting data exploration, and tabular data calculations.

Data Table Overview

The data table for the active layer appears in a pane below the map view. The table can be shown or hidden using the DATA TABLE tab. It can also be resized by clicking and dragging the upper border of the table.

Figure 1. Data Table Pane
Data Table Pane

The data table shows data for the first 100 features in a layer, ordered according to the alphanumeric order of values in the first column. The data table will show only selected features if you apply filters to the layer or manually select features on the map.

  • Column Summary Statistics – Summary statistics are displayed above the column names. You can select any of the options to change the statistic type, which will be applied to all numeric columns. Options include:

    • Sum – The sum of all values in the column.

    • Mean – The mean of all values in the column. Note that this is calculated as simple, rather than weighted, mean.

    • Min – The lowest value in the column.

    • Max – The highest value in the column.

    You can display the full set of summary statistics for a column by hovering over the statistics value or column name, and you can also copy the values to your clipboard.

  • Export as CSV > Layer data – Clicking this option exports the data table to a CSV file for use in Excel or other spreadsheet or database applications. If you have applied filters, favorited columns or made a manual selection on the map, the export will include the selected features only. Otherwise, the export will include all features in the dataset. While you can view a maximum of 100 rows within the data table, exporting the data allows you to view and work with all rows as selected for your layer.


    You can also copy and paste values from the data table directly into a spreadsheet. This can be useful for pulling together manual selections of data.

  • Export as CSV > Column descriptions – Clicking this option downloads column descriptions and additional information about the type of data available. This file doesn't contain any data, but it might help you better understand how to interpret the data available to you. If you have applied filters or favorited columns, the export will include the selected column information only.

  • Filter Columns – You can apply a filter to narrow down the data table display to a specific column or columns. The data table will display only those columns containing the text entered in the search box. This function is particularly useful for viewing data and summary statistics for a selection of features.

  • Row Count – The row count includes two numbers. The first indicates the number of selected features selected; the second indicates the total number of features in the layer.

  • Column Count – The column count indicates the number of columns in the layer.

  • Column Controls – Organize information how you prefer. These changes impact the information included in the CSV files you download.

    • Hover of a column name – displays its full name and key name. If available, summary statistics are also shown, which you can copy to your clipboard.

    • Hover over individual cells – show the cell's column header and value as you hover over it.

    • Sort columns – Click chevron-down.png and select Sort ascending or Sort descending to sort the table. Click the selected option again to turn off sorting.

    • Organize information in the data table, persistently – click on one or more column headers and drag it to a new location, click on column borders to adjust the size, and click chevron-down.png and select Freeze column to keep the column in place so that it remains visible even when you scroll horizontally through the rest of the table.

    • Favorite columns – Click chevron-down.png and select star-outline.pngFavorite column. Then, near the top of the data table, click star.png> Show favorites only. If you download CSV files with columns set as favorites, the files will only include your filtered favorite columns.

  • Zoom to a location – right-click on any cell or row header (or combinations of them) and click Zoom to the location to go directly from a cell or row in the data table to a map location.

Summarize Data
  1. Display the data table by activating a layer and clicking on the DATA TABLE tab.

  2. Create a feature selection, if desired, using filters and/or manually selecting features on the map.

  3. Select a summary statistics option using the Column Summary control.

  4. See the summary values in the column headers above the column names.

  5. Hover over a summary value or column name to see the full set of summary statistics. These include the column sum, mean, and range from minimum to maximum values.

Note that summary statistics are not included in data table exports. However, they can be readily calculated using common spreadsheet applications.


To summarize data according to more complex criteria, you can export your layer data as a CSV for use in Excel or other spreadsheet applications. Pivot table functionality is particularly useful for stratifying and summarizing data according to multiple criteria.

Export Data Table
  1. Display the data table by activating a layer and clicking on the DATA TABLE tab.

  2. Create a feature selection, if desired, using filters and/or manually selecting features on the map.

  3. You have two options when you export as CSV:

    • Click Export as CSV > Layer data to download the data file associated with the selected filters or map.

    • Click Export as CSV > Column descriptions to download column descriptions and additional information about the type of data available. This file doesn't contain any data, but it might help you better understand how to interpret the data available to you.

    Your download will be prepared. Analyst will prepare the data download, and a pop-up window will appear at the bottom of your screen when it is ready.

  4. Click DOWNLOAD in the pop-up notification to download your data. The CSV file will be downloaded to your computer, which you can work with in a spreadsheet application.