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Resilience Insights

Create an Address File

To geocode the addresses, create a file containing your addresses using these standard content and file structure guidelines.

Address File Requirements

The address file must follow these guidelines:

  • Flat CSV file.

  • Each row must contain an address.

Column Naming and Data Formatting

Follow these guidelines for naming the columns and entering valid data, and refer to the example in Sample Required Address File Format.

  • location_id – Include unique IDs for each address to retain a connection to your data. We require that you add these IDs to ensure you can match the returned data with your files.

  • location_address – Provide the entire address within a single field. For better parcel matching, ensure that the address passes USPS validation. If you include geometry or lat/lon columns, they'll be used instead of geocoding by the address.

  • Other optional columns – Include optional other descriptive fields for your reference.

Table 1. Sample Required Address File Format




1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington DC 20500

Add Addresses and Compress File

You don't need to zip the file before uploading it, but we recommend doing so to reduce the time to upload, and we have a 1 GB upload limit per file.

  1. Add your addresses to a CSV file using the required format.

  2. Compress the file as a ZIP file.