You can use our Platform to analyze a portfolio of locations by scanning, filtering, sorting, and zooming to determine which locations need closer examination. Finally, you can dive into individual locations to understand them or do subsequent planning work.
You might be evaluating locations to understand where the infrastructure needs to be hardened to mitigate potential impacts to hazard risk. You can load in a portfolio of locations, connect it to our insights, and review key metrics to understand risk across the locations.
Or, you might be looking for locations that meet a certain threshold regarding property value or population exposed to flood risk. You can filter down to just those locations that meet your criteria. From there, you can zoom in on each one to understand the detailed context at the site to inform recommendations and next steps.
You can work with Resilience Insights data in the way that best aligns with your existing workflows.
The platform tools support each phase of this workflow:
Find Locations – identify and collect the locations you want to connect to Insights.
Connect Locations – connect locations to Resilience Insights.
Explore Locations – review or download portfolio and deep dive analyses.