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Resilience Insights

Work Collaboratively in Projects

Analyst supports collaborative project work, whereby all members in an organization can access projects concurrently.

Project Permissions

Whether an individual user can view, edit, or create projects and layers depends on their role within an organization. Permissions are as follows:

  • Owner – View, edit, and create projects and layers, and delete projects. 

  • Admin – View, edit, and create projects and layers, and delete projects. 

  • Editor – View and edit projects and layers.

Owners and Admins can edit roles through the Organization Settings page. See Manage Members for more information.

Multiple users can view or edit projects simultaneously, with all project changes shared instantly with all other users. This includes the creation of new scenarios and any scenario changes, the addition of layers, the creation and editing of land use types and associated variables, analysis module parameter changes, and analysis module runs.

“Sharing circles”—icons showing the first initial of users' names—appear at the upper right of the screen to identify everyone who is currently viewing or editing a project.

Project-Level Settings

"Project-level" settings are attached to individual projects and are fundamental to how scenarios are defined and analyzed. Project-level settings include land use types and their related variables, and analysis module parameters. Upon new project creation, projects are loaded with Analyst's default set of land use types, and default analysis parameters for the project location. Project-level settings cannot be copied from one project to another.

Land Use Types and Settings

If your work involves land use scenario development, it is important to review and customize the land use type library and variable settings for your project. See Land Use Types for more information about defining and managing types.

Analysis Module Parameters

Analyst loads your project with default parameters for all analysis modules. Some parameters, such as building energy use rates, have default values that vary according to your project location. The parameters can be changed at any time. Parameter values can be copied from one scenario to another, and you can always restore the default values. Parameter values cannot be copied across projects.

See Manage Analysis Inputs for more information about working with parameters.

User-Level Settings

In contrast to project-level settings, user-level settings are associated with individual users and do not affect scenarios or analysis. They include layer ordering, layer symbology, filter settings for layers, and saved map positions.