Layer Export Restrictions
While you can download most layer data, exports are restricted under a few conditions. When a layer is subject to one of these conditions, options in the Download Layer menu will be disabled. Source data restrictions may apply to parcel data, as described further in this article. Exports are also subject to a layer size limit of 500,000 rows, which you can work within by creating smaller filtered layers as selections of large layers.
Parcel Data Restrictions
Exports of the Parcel Reference Data are allowed for most areas of the United States. However, to comply with the UrbanFootprint third-party agreement with the source data provider (CoreLogic), the Parcel Reference Data layer cannot be exported as a full geospatial dataset. Instead, the data in the Parcel Reference Layer can be exported in two parts: 1) a shapefile containing the parcel geometries; and 2) a CSV file containing the parcel attribute data. You can then join the CSV data to the parcel geometries using a GIS program. You can also export the CSV file alone for use in a spatial analysis.
There are a small number of counties (CoreLogic "Tier 4" counties) for which exports of the Parcel Reference Data layer, Base Canvas, and scenario layers are completely disabled due to restrictions on the source data. If you'd like to verify whether your project area is affected, please contact Analyst support.
For guidance on exporting the Parcel Reference Data files and joining parcel data attributes to parcel geometries, see Export Parcel Reference Data.
Layer Size Limit
Analyst supports exports of layers with up to 500,000 rows. Beyond that, exports are disabled. If you need to export data for a layer that exceeds the maximum row count, you can reduce its spatial coverage, or otherwise split it up into smaller component parts saved as filtered layers.
Datasets may include features beyond the bounds of your project and context areas. If data is not needed beyond those bounds, you can apply a join filter using the project or context area boundary to exclude the outside features and save the selection as a filtered layer. For guidance in filtering data using a join layer, see Filter and Join Data.
You can also use join filters to split up a layer into component parts—for example, using jurisdiction boundaries to separate out data for smaller areas. You can also create smaller subsets of data by category using filters based on column values—for example, exporting roadway data by functional class. Again, see Filter and Join Data for guidance on applying filters and saving filtered layers.