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Resilience Insights

March 2024

New Hazard Exposures

We updated our Hazard Summaries to reflect support in Location Insights and Climate & Hazard Insights for new hazards:

Schema & Layer Updates

We updated the Location Insights schemas and layers to reflect these updates.

Location Insights
. Parcel
  • Added nearest neighbor metrics that provide the distance from the parcel to the closest public airport, freight rail yard, and entrance ramp to an interstate or limited access highway. These distance calculations are measured in a straight line (as the crow flies) at a maximum of 200 miles.

  • Added employment (number of jobs) and L1, L2, and L3 land use categories (see Analyst Help for details about land use categories).

  • Added support for new hazard exposures.

. Census
Climate & Hazard Insights

We updated the Climate & Hazard Insights schemas and layers to reflect support for new hazard exposures.

At the parcel level, we added L1, L2, and L3 land use categories (see Analyst Help for details about land use categories).

Location Analysis Service

In addition to points, you can now upload lines to the Location Analysis Service and get Location Insights metrics about the lines, 50-meter line segments, and the surrounding area.


We're continually improving Analyst, and we wanted to call your attention to a few changes we've made recently.

  • Resilience Insights Help available from Analyst – We've added Resilience Insights help to the ? menu in Analyst.

  • Improvements to the data table – Previously, we announced changes to the data table to make it easier for you to work with data in Analyst and when you export it. We've now updated Data Table Overview to reflect all the changes.

  • Select the right organization – In Analyst, your projects belong to an organization, and anyone who belongs to that organization can access the projects within it. However, your company may be using Analyst for multiple clients, and not everyone at your company may be working with each client. We've made it easier to choose which organization you're working in. See Select an Organization for more info.