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Resilience Insights

Customize Data Layer Symbology


Layer symbology refers to the properties of how data is represented graphically. Using the symbology controls, you can adjust the point sizes, line weights, and colors of point, line, and polygon features. To identify and visually communicate patterns, you can also classify numeric data according to standard methods — including equal interval, logarithmic, natural breaks, and quantiles. Style contains these options:

  • Edit symbology – Opens the symbology editor for the currently selected column.

  • Column – A list of all columns in the currently selected layer. Choose which column to display on the map.

  • Opacity – Controls the opacity of the currently selected layer

  • Classes– Serves as a legend, displaying the data classes and symbology for the currently selected column.

  1. Click a layer and then select Style from the options at the top of the layer detail pane.

  2. Select the column that you want to symbolize by selecting it from the Column list.

  3. Click Edit symbology to customize details such as point size, color, stroke, or other options depending on the data type.

  4. Click Save when finished.