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Resilience Insights

Differences between Base Canvas and Census Estimates

The source for population, household, and employee estimates vary between Base Canvas and the U.S. Census Bureau American Community Survey (ACS) 5-Year Data throughout the Core Insights based on the applicable methods used to develop each metric. When summarizing population, household, and employee metrics for reporting, be aware of the source of the metric at hand. Because Base Canvas calculates this information at the parcel level, it is used as the source for any metrics derived from or relating to parcel-level data. Because the ACS only reports this information at higher Census aggregation levels, such as block group, tract, and so on, it is used as the source for metrics derived from or relating to ACS data.

As an example, in the Location Insights Census schema, the percent of the population exposed to moderate or higher wildfire risk metric is derived from upscaling population from parcel-level Base Canvas data in combination with USFS Wildfire Hazard Potential (WHP) data for fire risk. In that same schema, the number of public EV stations per resident below the poverty line metric is derived from ACS data reported at the block group in combination with data from U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Alternative Fuel Stations Locator for fuel stations, rather than upscaling parcel-level metrics.