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Resilience Insights

Known Geographic (Lat/Lon) Locations

You can upload a set of identified locations with known latitude/longitude coordinates to Resilience Insights. For examples, see Example Input Types.

When to use 

Analyze a set of known latitude/longitude coordinates for points or lines.

How to start 

  1. Create a project for your locations. We recommend using a U.S.-based project area encompassing all the locations you're uploading. To do this, create a General Analysis project, and, by default, "United States" is added to the project area. This ensures that you can download the full set of results because downloads are scoped to the project area.

  2. Upload a CSV with WKT geometry (for point or line locations) or a CSV with lat/lon coordinates (for point locations only). See Supported Formats for Geographic Coordinates for details. (Note that if you have a GeoJSON file for your locations, you can use and upload it as well.)

Where to view results

After you upload the CSV file, your locations will be added as a layer in your project.

Where to go next 

Now that your locations are in Analyst, you can connect them to Insights. See Connect Locations to get started.Process Locations

Table 1. Example Input Types

Input Types



  • Retail stores

  • Bank branches

  • Restaurants

  • Warehouses

  • Manufacturing facilities

  • Fleet parking locations

  • Offices

  • Multifamily properties

  • New investment opportunities


  • Pipelines

  • Supply routes

  • Transmission lines

  • Railways

  • Roads