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Resilience Insights


You can upload a set of known addresses to be automatically geocoded and added as a layer in Analyst.

When to use 

Analyze a set of known addresses.

How to start 

  1. Create a project for your locations if you don't already have one.

    We recommend using a U.S.-based project area encompassing all the locations you're uploading. To do this, create a General Analysis project.

    By default, "United States" is added to the project area, which is appropriate for a nationwide set of addresses. However, if the set of locations is in a smaller area, such as in a single state, use that state as the project area instead.

  2. Upload a CSV containing a maximum of 20,000 addresses, using the supported format.

Where to view results 

After you upload the CSV file, the addresses will be automatically geocoded and added as a layer in your project.

When it's ready, a message pops up informing you how many addresses were successfully matched or unmatched, which you can review.

Where to go next 

Now that your locations are in Analyst, you can connect them to Insights. See Connect Locations to get started.Process Locations