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Resilience Insights

December 2023

Improvements to Data Table in Analyst

We're continually improving Analyst to make it easier for you to work with your data, and we wanted to call your attention to a few changes we've made to the data table:

  • Go directly from a cell or row in the data table to a map location – Right-click on any cell or row header (or combinations of them) and click Zoom to location.

  • Organize information in the data table, persistently – Click on a column header and drag it to a new location, click on columns to adjust the size, and click on the header of any column to sort by that column.

  • Hover over individual cells – Show the cell's column header and value as you hover over it.

  • Download column descriptions – Export the data table to a CSV, and you can now choose to download the Layer data or the Column descriptions, which can help you better interpret and understand the data.

Energy Program Insights

If you're using Energy Program Insights (available from the Insights Catalog), we've added details about the included layers in Analyst and the schema.Energy Program Insights Overview