Urban Planning in Analyst
UrbanFootprint Analyst is designed to support planning processes from start to finish. Its features and workflows facilitate work across typical project phases, including proposal development, existing conditions assessment, scenario planning and analysis, and reporting. Learn how by following along with the tutorials suggested for each phase.
| Propose | Get an early understanding the project area and planning context, and create compelling proposal materials. With Analyst, you can generate robust proposals with less investment and get a head start on projects that you win. | |
| Assess | Summarize existing conditions to identify planning priorities. Analyst's Base Canvas, ready-to-use reference data layers, and analysis modules support comprehensive assessments of existing conditions. You can glean insights and highlight key issues early on, and move ahead to the planning phase more quickly. | |
| Plan | Develop and analyze scenarios to understand the impacts of new development and policy options. Analyst enables iterative scenario development and analysis. You can build plan alternatives with a purpose-built toolset and robust library of land use types while a suite of analysis modules quickly calculates emissions, vehicle miles traveled, walk and transit accessibility, building energy and water use, and more. | |
| Report | Compare results and gene report and presentation materials. Analyst's reporting features help you make sense of data, compare scenarios and their results, and generate materials to communicate, help build consensus, and enhance community engagement. |
Your work will certainly take you beyond these fundamental tasks and common workflows. Let the tutorials help familiarize you with Analyst's features, and spark ideas for how to use the platform to advance your projects.
A note to start: the tutorials are structured around an example project covering the City of Berkeley, California (where Analyst is based). You may choose to use another location, though.